Tuesday, July 12, 2011

OKC and a wedding

We went to Oklahoma City for a wedding this past weekend and had a great time seeing friends. Odus Compton, who did our wedding 7 years ago this month, married his oldest son Blake on Saturday. Blake and most of his brothers and sisters were in our wedding and they were all apart of Blake's wedding Saturday, just 7 years older! Looking at them so grown up made our wedding feel like forever ago. The Comptons are special people and dear friends, and we were so glad we could celebrate this moment with them.

Nate and Elliot looking pretty guilty after opening their bubbles prematurely.

I think Nathanael would have eaten chocolate covered strawberries until they were coming out his ears.

The happy couple, Blake and Michelle.

Mark with a couple of old friends, Nick Gray and Brad Bandy.

Paula Kaye and Odus Compton, proud parents of the groom.

Friday we met our friends Casey and Sarah Shutt for lunch and a tour of Oklahoma Baptist University. Mark thinks it's been close to more than 8 years since he stepped foot on his old stoppin' grounds. We had a great time visiting with Casey and Sarah. Unfortunately I didn't bust out the camera until Sarah had already left, but this is Casey and their 2nd child, Henry, with Mark and the boys in front of the OBU Bison.
We spent the night with my good friend Dara Steward. We always enjoy our time with her family. I had a great time with a great friend and the boys always enjoy playing with her kids. This is Dara's Eli on their back porch.

Hudson, Evan and Elliot.

Evan and Hudson on the swing.

Hudson took this picture of Dara.

We also had dinner with David and Savannah Patt and ran into some friends from our church in Ft. Worth at the wedding. I didn't take pictures to document, but really enjoyed the blessing of seeing old friends.

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