Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Saturday in Bristol City Centre

We spent the day seeing things around the city centre. Some intentional, some not, you don't have to walk far to stumble upon something historical or interesting. Even found some good Mexican food or Latin food as they call it here.

Wills Memorial Building from a distance. We haven't decided if we'll go in yet. This is where Mark will graduate and he's kind of thinking he'd like to wait until then.
Two random pictures of old stuff. It's everywhere if you haven't gathered by now.

Central Public Library
Bristol Cathedral

There are some cool fountains and wading pools in Millennium Square.


Bristol Aquarium

3D glasses at IMAX theater waiting to see a shark movie.

Nate really liked the shark.

Obviously not a fish, but beautiful none the less!

I don't know if you can tell, but this lobster was huge.

1 comment:

Dara Steward said...

Love, love, love all your pictures! How do you post so many? I was trying to put 5 on and got errors or 10 minutes of waiting. So, until I can figure out a better way, you can check my facebook! ;o) Let's skype soon. I'll be on more in the next couple days. Love you!