Friday, September 4, 2009

Our Little Gladiator

Nathanael had to get a Doc Band helmet to reshape his head. He had a tight neck muscle that made him tilt and rotate to the right, which in the process caused some flat spots and misshaping. It kind of looks like a gladiator helmet. Here are a few pics.

We had another opportunity to see Kenan and Emsleigh. She and Nathanael are either having a wrestling match or Emsleigh is trying to get some love, not sure which. :)

He's so cute I think I might be a little sad when the helmet has to go away!

1 comment:

Dara Steward said...

I agree, the helmet is super cute! Wow, he's really starting to look like his little self, and not just a baby. It is fun to see his personality developing.

We love you ALL!