I know, just call me the most inconsistent blogger ever. However, I don't actually think you can call me a blogger. I just happen to every once in awhile put some pictures up on this thing that happens to be a blog. I wonder if I can use the word blog one more time. FYI - my husband for those of you who don't know is a word guy and happens to dislike the word "blog" A LOT!
Anyway, back on task. The past couple of months have been busy with moving and settling in and posting pictures always seems to lose out to going to bed!! These pictures are from back in January.
The boys love for me to outline them in chalk. This time they wanted me to do George too.

I know I'm his momma, but look at him!! How can you not love this little dude!?!

The boys were REALLY excited to see their Daddy. Mark had been gone for a week and we were playing outside waiting for him to get home. This was a long awaited hug that as usual, turned into...


My little superman.